Carissa, a young woman living with her grandmother in a small village nestled in the mountains, leads a stagnant life. Her grandmother, Wilhelmiena, disapproves of Carissa’s lack of ambition and incessant phone use, which fuels their constant bickering. In an attempt to steer Carissa in a different direction, she drags her to a presentation by Mont Royale, a business conglomerate taking over the rooibos tea lands in the surrounding mountains where they intend to build a new luxury golf estate. The company offers education programs for young applicants of the village, which Wilhelmiena sees as an opportunity for Carissa.
Unexpectedly, Hendrik, Carissa’s long-absent grandfather, visits one evening. As a rooibos farmer affected by Mont Royale’s takeover, Hendrik offers Carissa the chance to spend time with him in the mountains before the land is gone. Wilhelmiena opposes the idea. Nevertheless, Carissa causes trouble for herself and as a result, is driven out of the house by Wilhelmiena one evening, compelling her to seek refuge in the mountains as her only available escape.
In the mountains with her grandfather, Carissa is faced with a different way of life. Working on the rooibos fields without modern conveniences and distractions, Carissa discovers there is more to life than her grandmother’s expectations, after finding solace and purpose in the mountains under the sun and stars. The journey that she goes through is fundamentally about her re-enchantment and identification with a world she has always known.